Intended for the manufacture, storage and transport of steel cables, electrical conductors and telecommunications cables. Monthly capacity of 1,500 units.
Depending on their use, they can be manufactured in pine or structural plywood, varying the parameters from 300 to 2,830 millimeters and capacities of up to 24,000 kilos.

The wooden reels are packages used for the manufacture, storage and transport of cables, which can be steel or electrical conductors. There is no standard in its manufacture that its design is determined in the requirements of each client, which is defined based on the following aspects:
Kind of product
Characteristics of manufacture machines (Take-up)
Destination markets
Type of product to store: In this aspect we refer to the material that is the cable, which can be steel, copper and aluminum or the mixture of those.
Lengths: These are the sections of production and sale of the product that must be packed, which will determine the required reel architecture.
Characteristics of manufacture machines (Take-up): Some companies design their reels considering the dimensions of the machines that manufacture their products, to avoid the trameado of subsequent products. The only factor to consider within this point is the robustness that these products must have in order to be able to withstand the efforts for the shaping of the cables, which is higher than the required when the product is already manufactured and only needs to be woven.
Destination markets: in this point we refer to the phytosanitary requirements that some countries of destination place for the entry of products and specifically for wooden packaging. That's why the NIMF-15 Standard comes into being Internationally, which is audited in each country by the respective government body; which in our case is the Agricultural and Livestock Service (SAG).