INVERSIONES E INMOBILIARIA MANZANO TAGLE S.A. within its development and diversification policy, it has participated in the management and implementation of several companies.
This policy makes it possible to streamline new projects day by day, which in the future are materialized in societies that allow the group of companies to maximize their physical, management, integration and globalization capacities.
Indumark S.A.
Commercialization company, products importer and distributor.
Cerro Sombrero 670-B. Maipú, Santiago Chile
Fono: (562) 2945 9900 - Fax: 2945 9904
Company dedicated to the commercialization, distribution and provision of services to the industrial, hardware and automotive segments.
Cerro Sombrero 670, Nave 2B, Maipú, Santiago, Chile
Fono: (562) 29363850
Factory of electrical transformers and cable trays.
Padre Vicente Irarrázaval 899 , Estación Central, Santiago, Chile.
Fono: (562) 2560 2600 - Fax : (562) 2779 5233

Splicing services company and others in rubber and PVC products.
Cerro Sombrero 940 Maipú
Fono: 2945 9980 - 2945 9981

Comercial MT
Commercialization of leather office products.
Cerro Sombrero 670-B, Maipú, Chile.
Fono: (562) 2945 9900 - Fax: (562) 2696 8927
Lung distributor for pumping water in buildings.
Padre Vicente Irarrázaval 899, Estación Central, Santiago
Fono: (562) 2560 2699 - (562) 2779 5233 - (562) 2560 2668
Zetaene S.A.
Panamerica Norte 9461,Quilicura, Santiago, Chile.
Fono: (562) 2443 5890 - Fax : (562) 2443 5876